Types of Treatment

Early (Interceptive) Treatment

Early (Interceptive) Treatment

Though orthodontic treatment can enhance a smile at any age, there is usually an optimal time period to begin treatment. Beginning treatment at this time ensures the greatest result and the least amount of time and expense. The American Association of Orthodontists recommends that the initial orthodontic evaluation should occur at the first sign of orthodontic problems or no later than age 7. At this early age, orthodontic treatment may not be necessary, but thorough examination can anticipate the most advantageous time to begin. Some early issues such as narrow palate, finger/tongue habits and crossbites in which the upper teeth are not biting on the correct side of the lower teeth can cause long-term issues if left untreated.

Early (Interceptive) Treatment

What are the benefits of early orthodontic evaluation?

Early evaluation provides both timely detection of problems and greater opportunity for more effective treatment. Prudent intervention guides growth and development, preventing serious problems later. When orthodontic intervention is not necessary, an orthodontist can carefully monitor growth and development and begin treatment when it is ideal.

Why is age 7 considered the optimal time for screening?

By the age of 7, the first adult molars erupt, establishing the back bite. During this time, an orthodontist can evaluate front-to-back and side-to-side tooth relationships. For example, the presence of erupting incisors can indicate possible overbite, open bite, crowding or gummy smiles. Timely screening increases the chances for an incredible smile.

What are the advantages of interceptive treatment?

Some of the most direct results of interceptive treatment are:

  • Creating room for crowded, erupting teeth
  • Creating facial symmetry through influencing jaw growth
  • Reducing the risk of trauma to protruding front teeth
  • Preserving space for unerupted teeth
  • Reducing the need for tooth removal
  • Reducing treatment time with braces

Are you a candidate for orthodontic treatment?

Orthodontics is not merely for improving the aesthetics of the smile; orthodontic treatment improves bad bites (malocclusions). Malocclusions occur as a result of tooth or jaw misalignment. Malocclusions affect the way you smile, chew, clean your teeth or feel about your smile.

Why should malocclusions be treated?

According to studies by the American Association of Orthodontists, untreated malocclusions can result in a variety of problems:

  • Crowded teeth are more difficult to properly brush and floss, which may contribute to tooth decay and/or gum disease.
  • Protruding teeth are more susceptible to accidental chipping.
  • Crossbites can result in unfavorable growth and uneven tooth wear.
  • Openbites can result in tongue-thrusting habits and speech impediments.

Ultimately, orthodontics does more than make a pretty smile – it creates a healthier you.
Adolescent Treatment

Adolescent Treatment

Between the ages of 11 and 14 is the most common time for orthodontic treatment, and for good reasons. By 12, most if not all of the permanent teeth have erupted and are in place, and crooked teeth, gaps and poor bites can easily be detected. These problems will rarely ever correct themselves, so this is when most parents decide to seek orthodontic treatment.This is also a good time for orthodontic treatment because many negative associations of braces are not present.

Adolescent Treatment

Many children in this age range undergo orthodontic treatment, and children are very often able to be convinced to wear braces because they see their friends wearing them too, and want to fit in.Besides the benefits of fitting in with their friends, children at this age are growing rapidly, and orthodontists can usually take advantage of these growth spurts to help shape the bite and teeth correctly. And children at this age have high metabolisms, which can help shorten overall treatment time and reduce the discomfort of orthodontic treatment.
Adult Treatment

Adult Treatment

Braces aren’t just for kids anymore. Tooth alignment can be changed at any age if your gums and bone structure are healthy. We offer a variety of treatments that are designed for different age groups – including adults. Your new smile can begin today.

Adult Treatment

Orthodontic treatment at later stages in life can dramatically improve your personal appearance and self-esteem. Improving the health of your teeth and gums is equally important. Crooked teeth and a bad bite can contribute to gum and bone loss, tooth decay, abnormal wear of the tooth enamel and surfaces, headaches and jaw joint (TMJ/TMD) pain. Good news! The new techniques and appliances we use greatly reduce discomfort levels, decrease the frequency of visits, shorten treatment time and allow you to choose from several options. Your options may include metal braces, translucent braces or transparent aligners that can be worn to improve mild cases of misaligned teeth. During the initial examination, we will be able to determine the best possible treatment for your individual needs. We will present you with the advantages of each option and decide what treatment is best for you. During this initial examination, we can outline the treatment plan, time of treatment expected and the approximate cost. A large percentage of our patients are adults, and they agree that it’s never too late to improve their greatest asset – their smile.
Invisalign & Clear Aligners

Invisalign & Clear Aligners

Invisalign and other clear aligners are a clear way to straighten teeth without braces. Aligners are removable and virtually invisible, which means you can straighten your teeth without anyone knowing; and you can still eat and drink what you want. Also, you can brush and floss normally to maintain healthy gums and teeth; and there are no wires, metal or brackets to cause mouth abrasions.

Invisalign & Clear Aligners


Many of our patients had never considered traditional braces but are now happily and comfortably improving their smiles with Invisalign®.


  • Invisible way to straighten your teeth without braces.
  • Series of clear, removable, custom-made Aligners.
  • Uses no metal wires or brackets.
  • Custom-made for comfort.


  • Wear each set of Aligners for about two weeks.
  • Remove only to eat, drink, brush and floss.
  • Your teeth will move gradually each week.
  • Visit us every 8-10 weeks.
  • Total treatment time averages 6-15 months.
  • Average number of Aligners is between 18 and 30.

Invisalign Teen

The new Invisalign Teen™ system straightens your teeth with custom-made clear aligners that are comfortable and practically invisible. It was developed with leading orthodontists. And it works – one million patients worldwide have made Invisalign their clear choice. See, lots of good reasons to smile. You no longer have to straighten your teeth the old-fashioned way, with metal braces. The Invisalign Teen™ system lets you do it the modern, hygienic way. Your new smile is created with the most innovative technology – a series of clear aligners that are custom-fit to your teeth. The first thing you should know is that an average treatment takes about a year.1 Plus your treatment can begin even if you don’t have all of your permanent teeth. Invisalign Teen was designed to meet your needs.

The Aligners:

  • snap on your teeth easily.
  • are comfortable and practically invisible.
  • allow for your growing permanent teeth.
  • gently and continuously move your teeth in small increments.
  • are worn for about two weeks. Then you swap them for a new pair.
  • have a Blue Dot Wear Indicator, designed to show an estimation of wear-time. The dot is designed to fade to clear over a two-week period if you wear (20 to 22 hours everyday) your aligners properly.
  • can be removed for eating, brushing, and flossing, or going to a special event.
  • are replaceable if lost. That’s right, you get up to six free individual aligners.


The INBRACE Solution Is A Game-Changer. The Smartwire is applied to the back of your teeth by an orthodontist so it’s invisible to the rest of the world. The unique design allows you to brush & floss normally throughout treatment, so your teeth & gums stay healthy. INBRACE uses GentleForce technology which provides an efficient and comfortable treatment experience.


Thanks to digital imaging technology, we are able to take precise diagnostics and generate images that show the final look and function the user will achieve. We use this technology to reduce treatment times, make recovery easier, and improve the results of surgery.

Whenever possible, we try to avoid orthognathic surgery just because the recovery time can be difficult for some, especially if they are working. However, we promise that when it is needed, the results it delivers make up for any inconvenience. To learn more about what to expect from the process, schedule an initial consultation.
Orthognathic Surgery

Orthognathic Surgery

Corrective jaw surgery (orthognathic surgery) treats and corrects abnormalities of the facial bones, specifically the jaws and the teeth. Often, these abnormalities cause difficulty associated with chewing, talking, sleeping and other routine activities. Orthognathic surgery, in conjunction with orthodontic treatment, corrects these problems and will improve the overall appearance of the facial profile.

Orthognathic Surgery

Using the latest in digital imaging technology, we can demonstrate the overall functional and aesthetic benefits of orthognathic surgery. Computerized treatment planning reduces treatment times, recovery periods and improves the overall efficacy of your surgery. State-of-the-art materials such as titanium plates and miniature screws provide stability, strength and predictability to your treatment. These advances in technology, procedures and equipment reduce post-surgical recovery time, thus allowing patients to return to their normal routines soon after the surgery. Orthognathic surgery may not be necessary if orthodontic treatment can correct the problem. With the latest advances in orthodontics, this is sometimes the case. We will determine if orthognathic surgery is the correct treatment option for you.
Faster Treatment

Faster Treatment

If time in treatment is a critical concern, there are a number of ways Dr. E likes to shorten treatment time. Whether trying to get ready for a wedding or needing to be done for graduation pictures, there are both in-office and take home options that will ensure an excellent result in the shortest time possible

Faster Treatment

Advanced Technology. Accelerated Results.

Explore Propel®’s in-office and at-home orthodontic treatment options designed to help you reach your ideal smile quicker. Our ortho solutions work together with your clinician’s expertise to provide the most efficient treatment and beautiful results.
Limited Treatment

Limited Treatment

There are many instances when only a few teeth, often those close to the front, are out of line. In cases like this, there is no need to place appliances on all the teeth. Not only does this result in a reduced cost to the patient, but treatment times may also be quite reduced. If there are just a couple of teeth that you feel are out of place, this may be the orthodontic solution for you.

Limited Treatment